Swallowing Diagnostics

ATMOS FEES systems for the diagnosis of dysphagia provide an excellent mobile solution for flexible endoscopy as well as customized software for easy and direct documentation of findings.
ATMOS Fees Poratble
ATMOS Fees Cart


As a case system, the ATMOS FEES Portable is particularly suitable for users who need to perform swallowing diagnostics at any location and who depend on the easy transport of the entire system. It includes a flexible chip-on-tip endoscope as well as a tablet PC with the software necessary for storing videos and for subsequent reporting. If required, videos and findings can be transferred to the practice or hospital information system.


As a cart system, the ATMOS FEES Cart is particularly suitable for users who perform swallowing diagnostics in a ward or practice environment. The chip-on-tip endoscope is stored in a quiver attached to the side. Thanks to the all-in-one, large-screen PC, users can view live images or analyze stored videos and prepare reports. The cart offers storage space and shelves as well as standard rails for accommodating additional equipment (e.g., ATMOS Suction Devices). If required, videos and findings can be transferred to the practice or hospital information system.

You and your breath are in safe hands